Of course, I had to show it to my favorite fan in the whole world. Luckily, my daughter was not yet asleep. For months, she's been asking me : "when will you get the book?" And to my diverse answers, she always gave a sigh and added one of her favorite expressions : "I can't wait."

Another month, and it should be in bookstores !
Oh waw !! Congratulations !! It's now real !! :-)
I can feel the emotion ! :-)
Hey, Jo Ann, thank you. It's been a while. How are you?
Fantastic! How exciting! Congratulations Katia :)
Thanks, Danie :)
Hey, Katia,
Congratulations!!!! The book is beautiful. Must feel so good to have it in your hands.
Thanks, Kristin. It is a strange feeling, actually. That's me in a nutshell. I'm so focused on what I'm writing now, and also on seeing other stories published, that I find it hard to actually stop to fully enjoy what's going on. And yet, I should, I must, remind myself that this is quite an accomplishment :)
I'm ok, trying to enjoy life :-)
Absolutely wonderful!!!!
I am so proud of you -- this represents so much effort and perseverance and so much talent. Take time to enjoy this moment.
Oh--do stop and enjoy, Katia! It is a wonderful accomplishment. You must be so excited. I can't wait to read it.
Katia! That's absolutely fabulous! The art looks beautiful. I wish I could actually read it. Is it out in stores yet? I have to get one! Enjoy the moment and CELEBRATE!!
love, Nandini
Thank you, Sue, Annette et Nandini. This business of writing would be so much harder and lonelier than it already is without the wonderful friendships we develop along the way. They mean so much to me. And, Nandini, the book is available for pre-order on amazon, barnes and noble, etc, and will be in bookstores starting May 31 - a bit of shameless publicity :)
Hooray Katia! And there is no such thing as shameless publicity when it comes to a book--it's more like the celebration that accompanies a birth announcement.
un peu de français dans ces commentaires, au moment où je découvre tes dernières nouvelles!
Moi aussi je suis très fière de toi ! Bravo, bravo ! avec la certitude que ce n'est que le début d'une très belle carrière !
Congratulations, Katia! I remember when you were going back and forth with changing the name of your main character for this book, and now here he is, looking back at us from the cover! So exciting.
:-) Natalie
Merci, Miou. C'est très bien, un peu de français au milieu de tout l'anglais. J'espère que tu laisseras d'autres commentaires, de temps à autres. Bisous.
Thank you, Natalie. Yes, the whole birthing process of this book has been rather bumpy. But here is is, finally. ;)
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